
I’m 29 years old and I realize my greatest fear isn’t being alone, it’s being vulnerable.I’m a single mother! My son is my WORLD and he comes FIRST! I’m a laid back kind of girl. I love to laugh and have fun. One thing I have learned is to stop trying to change myself for a relationship that’s not meant to be. You can take me as I am or watch me as I go!

There is always something going on with me whether it be good or bad and I like to express my feelings. I figured a blog would be the best way to do it without offending others or having to hear unwanted feedback from those who already know me LOL! So…here I am!

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. sunnydelyte21 said:

    Love the new background!

  2. Hey! Myself and some fellow bloggers have decided to participate in a Shout Out Saturday. If you would like to know more about it or become a part of it please email me. Thanks. up4dsn@yahoo.com

  3. I’m a single parent also – to a son. My baby is 12 now…but still “my baby”. I commend you for getting your blog going to have your own space for comfort where you can express yourself and not worry about being judged by anyone. Not that it should happen anyway. But do beware of those judge and jury type folks that every now and then want to come up in your space and think they have a free pass to be ignorant.

    On being a single parent though. I’ve found for me that it’s as hard/easy as I make it. The vulnerability…I was already a force to be reckoned with where men were concerned before my baby, now it’s zero tolerance. I have to set a good example and that’s what I feel drives most all of my decisions in dealing with people all around.

    I look forward to hearing more of your story unfold.

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