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Sometime in 2004 I met a guy named Ernie (insider lol) at work. He started out as just my manager and ended up being one of the greatest people I’ve ever met! He has also become my best friend.

Upon introduction we immediately clicked. It was one of the strongest connections I have ever felt. I found myself excited to go to work. I couldn’t wait to talk to him, to see him, to hear his voice, to see his smile; you get the point lol. Who was this man that has me going all crazy inside?

Every day was interesting. It was never dull. We always had something to talk about. We even talked on the phone all the time. I could talk to him about anything. All my man problems, finacial woes, etc. He never complained, he was ALWAYS there when I needed him. He understood me better than anyone else. It’s like he was made just for me.

God had sent me a gift. The gift of a great friendship. A real friendship, one that I needed. Ernie means everything to me and I would do anything for him. You know how they say some people leave footprints in your heart (or something like that lol), well he’s one of those people.

He has engraved his name so deep in my heart that no one or anything can remove it. I lost contact with Ernie shortly after I had my son. How sad I was. I lost my friend. Almost 4 years have gone by and I have finally found him! it’s only been two days and its like we never lost contact. I am so thankful to be back in contact with him. This time I hope it lasts forever!

Ernie – I hope we never lose touch again cause things just wouldn’t be the same without you! Looooove you! 🙂